The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Grateful Friday

Grateful is defined by the dictionary as being warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful.
Why am I giving you the definition when I am sure you already know it, you ask? It is a reminder to myself to be more aware of the things I am grateful for than the things that I am not. You see lately I have been struggling, I feel like I am failing when I look at the missing details. It is a real bummer. So I want to just take a moment and be joyful for all of the people and things I am truly blessed with.
I am grateful that I get to stay home with my children.
I am grateful that I get to home school the boys.
I am grateful for my newish red shoes. They make me smile when I put them on.
I am grateful for my husband (yes more than the shoes), he makes our life possible.
I am grateful for online colleges. Who knows how much we would see the husband if he had to go a class for school. I would never have started on my degree if I had to leave my children.
I am grateful to the farmers who work so hard to provide good food to their customers.
I am grateful that I grateful that my children eat a healthy diet.
I am grateful for online reviews.
I am grateful for Netflix, and the ability to watch all of my favorite shows. (I said it. I miss watching my shows. Lent ends in three weeks. Then it is marathon time. Popcorn, Doctor Who Classics and the family. Go ahead judge me. I don't mind.)
I am grateful for good friends and conversations.
I am grateful that you come and visit me from time to time. Thank you, I think you are truly a wonder.
I am grateful. . .
I think making a list of things I am grateful for helps through the low times, and I can move forward knowing that I am truly blessed.
I hope your day is filled with inspiration, love, and laughter. Be well my friends.



  1. You are just awesome!

    And I am totally excited for you about getting re-acquainted with the Doctor!

    1. Thanks. We are all excited about our Doctor Who marathon.
