The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Friday, December 27, 2013

New Year's Resolutions


This is the time of year where I think about what I want to accomplish in the New Year. Right now it feels like we are juggling a million possibilities, and not one of them is in our control. That is the way of the military life. Sometimes it is smooth sailing as it has been for us for the past three and a half years but you're bound to run into turbulence from time to time. Between you and me I feel like we can not be anything but grateful for have such a long run of good luck. We are ready to face the on coming storm.

Before I get into my new resolutions I would like to face the old list.

New Year Resolutions for 2013

 1. Make a granny square blanket. Oh, dear. I made about half of the squares or less. I am not good at multi tasking. I can only focus on one thing at a time. I will work on it soon. 
2. Work on paying down our debt. Well, we started out okay and then the air conditioner went out, the stove had a crazy breakdown, and well life throw a wrench in our plans. We will try again.
3. School I am going to take one eight week class at a time. Nailed It.
4. I am going to focus on exercise this year. Haha, Last minute achievement. I ran two 5k's in December. It counts!5. Lose a little weight to the tune of 12 pounds or so. Again I weigh the same. Lame!6. Finish the projects I start. I did finish several projects this year but I always have things on the burner. Nailed it.
7. Make the boys each a pair of Pajamas. I can not remember if I made the boys Pajama's. I did make other things. Maybe.
8. Sew two new dresses. Yes, I did do this one. So what if one of the dress went to a lovely little girl. It still counts. Nailed it.
9. Get an updated Family photo. Fail, Epic fail. I need to let go of my own issues and make a point to do this.
10. Get organized and get on a cleaning schedule. I need to do this badly. . . Enough said.
11. Write one page a day on my book. I wrote 40 pages in word. It is sitting there waiting for me. I can not multitask! My brain shuts down if I try to load it up. 
12. Be More productive. I did okay.
13. Finally Can more food for my family. I did this! Yes.

Well, here we are. It looks like I did okay 2013. How did you do? I bet you did better then you think you did. You know me I like a long list of goals but in 2014 I only have one. One giant one that will bring me to my knees so that I can come out the other side new. Too Big? No, it is tiny.

My New Year's Resolution for 2014 is.

I am going to work on myself so that I can become a better person.
  1. Let go of grudges and forgive the people who have hurt my poor feelings.
  2. Let go of my twisted body image.
  3. Do more Yoga.
  4. Less Gossip.
  5. Finish my AA.
  6. Clean more.
  7. Love more.
  8. Finish what I start.
  9. Write more.
  10. Run more.
  11. Sign up and complete a half Marathon (circumstances allowing).
  12. Focus on my kids more.
  13. Attend Mass regularly not just holy days and youtube.
  14. Finally, garden more with my husband.
Well you did know I like to make a list. But as you can see everything falls under only one category. No weight loss goals this year even though I was tempted but instead I decided on a lofty fitness goal. The Rock and Roll Marathon happens here in San Antonio in December so I have a year to get ready.

What are some of  your goals for the year?

I hope that your day, week, month, year is filled with inspiration, love, and laughter. Be well friends.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Granny Square Border Time

Finally it is time to add a border to our blanket. You get to choose the border. I know I have been giving you options but I really want you to enjoy your blanket. Are you ready?

Shell Border
I know she is making this flower border for a basket but we could use it for our blanket. If you like it.
Puff Stitch Border
I think this is cool.
How cool is this Interlocking Crochet border?
Of course you could also do a simple border of single crochet stitches or double crochet stitches. I think I will do the shell stitch because it is simple and looks crazy good. OR maybe that Interlocking one. This is it the end of our crochet along. If you are not finished yet don't worry neither am I. Take your time, it is not a race. I will update each of the squares as I finish them. I would love to see how yours turn out.

I hope your day is filled with love and laughter. Be well my friends.