The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Picture Perfect Meals

So here it is pictures of the meals last week. I borrowed the list from last week So I could post the photos in order. Turns out I may not have taken pictures every night and I changed a couple of menu items around. It is all relative I know and I think I have told you a time or two that the menu is more of a suggestion then a rule. For me most things tend to turn out as more of a suggestion instead of a rule. You know the old saying "Rules are meant to be broken"? Well I think if that rule should be broken it was a suggestion. Hard Rules, not hard, some rules are rules for a reason and shouldn't be broken. So here at my house the Rules are few but strict. I am off on a random road, mapped out by a sidetracked thought. I hope you don't mind to much. So here are the pictures and tomorrow you'll have a recipe. I promise.


Roast Chicken with Roasted Vegetables

Jamie Oliver
I didn't take a picture of this beautiful roasted chicken. I wish I had.
It was yummy, and was also the star of the chicken pot pie.


Chicken Pot Pie

Believe it or not I took a lot of pictures of this chicken pot pie. Part of the reason is I love, no adore pie crust all of the time regardless of filling. In this case it all worked out to a little bit of magic in my mouth.

Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich.

Pioneer Woman

This sandwich was wonderful and is part of the reason that I will buy any and all of the Pioneer Woman's cookbooks from now until the last one. I know she is working on a second one. If only she would put more vegetable sides in the book. I guess I could stalk her blog and like her on facebook and she has a cooking show on food network (I hope they'll put her full episodes online. I don't have cable! Yikes). The only thing that would make this sandwich better is a lovely soft cheese like mozzarella, mushrooms, and maybe bell peppers. Let me tell you it does not need any of those things.



Pioneer Woman
 Oh, did I mention the new Bread Cookbook? No, well expect more bread pictures. Yes it is made with a bread maker. Trust me 5-10 minutes of prep in the morning is worth it. I enjoy making bread by hand but with homeschooling two boys, working on my degree, and house work 10 minutes is worth the trade off. The house smells like fresh bread almost every day.
 This is pumpkin bread. Oh, yes I will be making more of this as it goes well with peanut butter and meatballs.


Potato and leek pizza

Pioneer Woman

This Pizza is now my new favorite. I will torture my boys with it from time to time considering we usually eat pizza once a week. It makes it easier to eat some of my more crazy meals, if there is at least one day guaranteed to be kid friendly.

Lamb Stew

Jamie Oliver
Oops, I made this today
Instead I made, oh my I don't remember. Not a winner


I decided upon finding out that we had company coming to make it a later date. So instead we had Jamie Oliver's Cauliflower and cheese bake (i.e. Macaroni and Cheese)

Believe me there were plenty I didn't post. So what looks good to you? I will pick on tomorrow and post the recipe for recipe Tuesday.
I hope you are having something truly mouth watering for dinner tonight with people who help fill your life with love and laughter.

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