The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What's growing on here.

This morning I went out to watch my husband water the garden and then I got inspired. I love being in our backyard so much so that it makes me sad to know that this is not our forever home. We love our house, our garden, our new friends, our church, but the summer heat in south Texas is a real killer. I miss being cold at night, and seeing my breath fog the air, and frost on the window panes, and rain. I want to show you how our garden is doing. I am very happy with it so far this year.

We are going to start with some flowers.
I have sunflowers growing randomly around the fence line. They are always so friendly.

I thought this was an ugly weed, so did my husband. He pulled out a bunch from around the yard.

Not a weed, a poppy. They're there to remind us that beauty comes from the inside.

Isn't she lovely. Maybe I am like a poppy.

Julia Child's Rose. Well it was the only way to get Julia Child over for dinner.

I seriously love this man!

Ever wonder if onions flower? They do.

It starts out looking like a secret and then it just lets go and becomes free.
We can all learn to become free from an onion.

Would you believe that this is part of a berry patch?

The nasturtiums (the red flowers) went wild!

I love all of the flowers around the yard. Doesn't this make you smile a little?

It grows here.

The yellow flowers are from the lettuce saying hello to the purple roses.

75% off rose that we took a chance on. After only a few months it is almost as tall as the fence that is six feet tall. Happy? Yes we are.

 Now on to the fruits and vegetables growing on. I promise I did not take a picture of everything and I am not posting all of the pictures I did take.
Grapes. I can not wait until these turn red, or are they purple. If I even see them before the kids do, which is unlikely because they check the grapes daily.

Last year our tomatoes were sad so this year we planted a lot of tomatoes. At least 20 plants maybe more. I didn't count as I was saying can you fit more in the garden. My husband says, "Maybe."

We have one single orange!

Mexican Limes

Eggplants and peppers. Warning we may have planted lots of peppers.

That little flower might mean an eggplant.

Looking at the tomatoes is like the best egg hunt ever. Can you find the green tomatoes?

Here is a few.

And a few more over here.

The first red tomatoes! Eek. I picked them and let the boys each have one.

This pretty baby is looking for trouble.

Jalapenos. Salsa anyone?

Cayenne peppers are starting to turn red at the tips.

Banana peppers. Come on baby do you do more then dance?

These are lilac bell peppers.

Green bell peppers

More tomatoes. Oh yes.

Yellow bell pepper. Hopefully.

Basil in the middle

Banana peppers

Poblano pepper. Think Chili rellenos.

We also have cantaloupes, watermelons, asparagus, artichokes, hardy kiwi, and so much more planted. I want to encourage you to grow your own food. Maybe just a tomato plant in a pot, maybe just a few herbs on the back porch, or anything your heart desires. Let me tell you there is nothing more rewarding as making a meal with the food you have grown in the backyard.

I hope your day is filled with the wonder of growth, Love and Laughter. Be well my friends.


  1. I am so jealous! I can not wait to grow my own food! Amazing you guys. It looks wonderful! I can not wait to sit in your wonderful garden. Those peppers look wonderful (everything else does too!). Truly inspirational!

  2. I think you will love watching your garden grow.
