So this is me, no make up in the garden. I set up my camera on the BBQ grill and used the self timer and I would run over to my spot and suck in my tummy. Well this was the second clear picture I took so here I am. The truth is I actually like this picture and I don't mind the flaws. I am me. I always take better pictures when I am not trying. Trust me I am not always so photogenic especially if I am eating or talking. Really it gets terrible, most of the time I think it is funny. After I see a horrible picture I hide it. I can only look at it once. Heaven forbid it was on someone else's camera then I deny the tag on Facebook. Maybe one of these Saturdays I will give you a truly awful picture. That would be hilarious. Really if you can't laugh at your self who else can. I actually have long hair. I hide in a pony tail, or a clip off of my neck. It is already in the 90's here in south Texas. I like how it looks pulled back. I am hopping that I will be in better focus for future self portraits. I would link this with the other blogs like they asked but I have no idea how to add a link up thingy.
I want to encourage you to step in front of your camera and be proud.
I hope that your Saturday is filled with Love and Laughter. Be well my friends.
I LOVE this picture! You look so confident and determined! Absolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYou sound like me with pictures! I see one and never look at it again! I admire your courage!
Thank you Erin.