I did take pictures of our Thanksgiving meal which I will do a different post for later. Today I have been busy cleaning the boys' room and the library/toy room. First it was a mess and the only way it would get done is if I buckled down and waded in. I forced my poor husband (who is coming down with a cold so spent most of the time helping blowing his nose and complaining about it) to help me get it all done. We rearranged their room so all of their toys fit in their closet. Starting with James' dresser I went through all of his clothes and if it was a four or smaller it got donated or tossed. Then on to Damian's. All of his usable clothes replaced James' donated clothes but now I realize that he needs new clothes. Good thing Christmas is coming. Then we (I) sorted through Toys, Toys, Toys, broken toys, baby toys, new toys, loud toys, toys with wheels, toy soldiers and dinosaur toys all went either donated, trashed, or put away neatly (tomorrow all of the put away toys will explode I am sure). The there are the books. We have a library and we love books. Today for the first time I parted with the baby board books, the potty training books, the baby sign books, copies that we received as gifts, curriculum books that never got used, that we got from a moving sale(a giant box of great resources that the kids never found interesting I forgot about or the my kids or their kids lost some of the pieces to), and some books that we no longer wanted all went into one of the three categories. Keep in mind I only went through the kids books. I felt like one of those hoarders because it was hard to part with those baby books that both my babies played with, read, and shared with friends. My babies are big boys and we are out of the baby making business it was physically and emotionally hard to do. We are still living a Military life and we might move again in three years or four or five or next week(this last one extremely unlikely but you never know what the military will throw at you last minute) I can't carry these sentimental attachments around with us. I guess I am glad that we move so much so we always have to think about what we want to carry from place to place or else I might have stored all of this junk. Anyway We now have a functional school room/reading room(I am going to put a couple bean bags in there for the kids)/library. I feel better now that it is over with. Now if I could bring myself to sort through say my closet, or that one crazy closet full of random hobby stuff that I am not currently actively working on that would be a true achievement.
So all of that hard work was so we would have a spot for our Christmas Tree! We will be picking one out next week, bringing it home and decorating. It is my favorite tradition and I am positively glowing with excitement!
I hope that your week is filled with achievements (big or small), the start of holiday cheer, Love and Laughter. Be well my friends.
The Bartlett Family Adventure
The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.
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