I watched a movie awhile ago called "Faith like Potatoes" and I have been thinking of that movie this morning. Well and faith in a garden. We all need faith in something God, our co-workers, our kids, our parents, our family, ourselves, a small seed to grow into a fruit bearing tree that can feed both a family and our friends and we need to believe in our parenting skills because otherwise we would go nuts. We look and we search for reasons to believe in something. I have friends who believe that there is no God, and even that is a belief in something. It is a choice an individual choice, a personal decision to believe in anything. So if we are all searching, why do we as humans judge others for being different from ourselves? Here is the thing you can be an Atheist, a Baptist, a Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, Islam, Jehovah Witness, Jewish, Non-denominational Christan, Buddhist, or any of the other religions that I can not think of in this moment when it comes down to it we all have to believe in something that can not be known for sure until the very end of our lives. We can not base our beliefs on the crazy extremist out there because they do not represent the mass of people who believe in that religion, but we can not condemn them either. We are all part of the human species, regardless of your personal outlook we must try to reach an understanding and promote peace. We can only start with ourselves. Peace and change starts at home. Don't judge your friends and neighbors ability to parent, earn money, or just live. We all struggle with something bigger then ourselves, every one of us. More then likely you will not know what anyone else struggles with. So don't push your style of life on to others, don't put another person down, don't try and discourage the people around you. Because if you do you will be left alone. It is hard to be alone. I want to be honest with you. I struggle. I struggle everyday about being good enough, strong enough, smart enough, and my list goes on. I am doing the best that I can, but I think I am not. I want to be a better person. I want people to leave me feeling better about themselves. I do not want anything back. That means you too my friend. I want you to know that as long as you are trying to be the best you can be that you are doing great.
Believe it or not this post was meant to lead into the garden. So today my faith is like planting a garden it is a small seed that I hope will grow to feed my family, and one day maybe your family too. A seed is planted, my seed is HOPE.
This is my friend Big Red. He is very territorial to the point he attacks his reflection in the windows of the house and the car mirrors on a daily bases.
I love his bright color. This live oak is all his. I have never seen another bird in it.
This is one of our Olive trees. This little two foot tall tree will grow into a ten foot tall tree that will bare up to 45 pounds of olives in one season. Yeah I think faith is like and olive tree.
Last year we planted garlic. They did not grow very big so we replanted them and here they are trying again. I am hoping that I will be able to use them in spaghetti sauce next year.
This fig tree started out as a branch that Rob cut off of our original fig tree. This branch took root and wants to be a tree. Faith is like this Fig Tree. If you work hard you can grow and change.
My friends I hope that you can see the beauty all around you. Maybe it is a bird that hangs out around the house or maybe it is the frost you find on your windows in the early morning, maybe it is as simple as seeing your children smile. We all are capable of becoming the people we want to be. You are worth it, you are good enough, you are strong enough. Just believe in yourself and you can.
I hope you week is filled with Love, and Laughter. Be well my friends.
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