Today is all about the edible greens that we are growing. This is only a small amount of lettuce.
This is the lettuce that I pictured above next to some yummy radishes.
Perpetual spinach, which is related to Chard not spinach. I still use it as if it were spinach.
Arugula. I love the spicy leaves.
Swiss Chard.
My favorite Kale. The bugs are out. I found a caterpillar on one of my leaves. So we will have to watch for the invasion. We put the caterpillars in the compost pile or we kill them. No chemicals are used in our garden because our kids eat them as they pick the leaves.
Mustard greens. These are very spicy in a weird mustard way. I love them in soup or in a small amount in a salad to add just a hint of flavor. I do not know how my kids or husband just eats these huge leaves straight.
This is all in a different bed. Swiss Chard, Kale, Mustard and Arugula.
This is a picture of all of our garden beds so far. There are three of them here. We are planning on expanding this soon.
Arugula flowers are a delicate wonderful addition to salads and well just to pick and eat.
I know it was supposed to be all about the greens but look at the asparagus. Yum-Yum
I love this bed. It is full of everything good in a salad.
A lot of our good dirt got washed into the yard a month ago and guess what is growing now? Kale.
This is some wonderful kind of lettuce.
Oops! This is not a berry post...
But it was so juicy and sweet! Look at the juice that exploded when I took a bite.
Again colorful lettuce.
Bok Choy
My husband loves Swiss Chard.
So we have a lot of it growing everywhere.
It is so pretty!
You see what happened is we went to a nursery and they had all of these beautiful greens and they all needed a home. I like the nutty flavor these small leaves have.
I love the pretty red spots on this lettuce.
More seeds taking root.
This is on the other side of our house where the roses are. This is every thing your have seen so far but they are smaller here.
I love the colors of the Swiss Chard here.
The bees are happy about Arugula flowers.
I am happy about the bees. Maybe this year we will get melons and squash.
It is looking like this might be a good gardening year. I am looking forward to the coming vegetable season. I still have a couple more posts to go one what is growing in the garden and then I will start over and update the trees. Hopefully they will be dressed up nice and pretty for you by than.
I hope you have a wonderful day filled with interesting salad greens, Love, and Laughter. Be well my friends.