The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Changing the game plan

This last week I have been in a funky mood, you know the kind that is starting to stink at the back of the refrigerator. My attitude has been in the toilet and mostly blah. I felt totally deflated and then I woke up and realized that I was the problem. Me. I was the problem with my life, not school, not the kids’ noise, not my husband being constantly busy, not the dog eating everything he can sneak while we are not looking, no not anything other thing. I was the problem, am the problem. My attitude, mood swings directly affect those around me and this week it has been a bit sour.

The first step to any problem is admitting the problem. Hello My Name is Trisha and I am a problem. Done. Now for the game plan. One of the things that drive me completely nuts is my messy house. I have two boys who come through it like a tornado every few minutes, a dog that likes to roll around in the dead grass and shake it off the minutes he comes back into the house, a cat who rolls around in the leaves and then lays on the clean laundry, and my husband who thinks it is perfectly acceptable to garden in the bath tub and on any given window sill. These are the people I blame; now I am the person responsible for cleaning after them. I often try to make weekend clean up fun for everyone so that I feel like I am not alone in housecleaning, this past weekend we decided on trying out housecleaning Bingo. Fail, Epic Fail. While I was looking up bingo cards on the web I came across It is a website dedicated to helping poor slobs like me to get their act together. It is a 31 day step program that helps (it claims). So far the website looks like it might help so today I am going to start.

Day 1. Shine your sink.

Day 2. Get dressed to the shoes. (Um, but I haven’t finished my coffee yet.)

Another problem I have been mulling over is the fact that we still eat processed bread. We have given up most other processed food, I say most because chocolate, coffee, flours, and sugar. Am I really so lazy that I can’t make fresh bread for my family, seriously I have a bread maker. The answer is no, I often run out of flour. I think I found a reasonable solution at amazon, I can buy 25 pounds of Organic, unbleached flour and have it shipped to me for free. I love Amazon Prime for this reason, the free shipping that is. They also offer a subscription to the flour to lower the cost. So starting on the first I will be buying 25 pounds of flour every other month for about 92 cents a pound. Problem number two solved.

As for many of my other problems well I think is mostly a lesson in being grateful. Grateful that I have two beautiful children. Thankful that my husband chose me. Grateful for our house that the bank owns but they allow us to act like we do. Grateful that my husband works a job that allows me to stay at home with our children. Thankful that he is willing to pay for my education even though I might not work later either. I am grateful that I have this life. I am happy.

I hope that you are happy today too, and that your week is filled with Love and Laughter. Be well my friends.

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