So my most treasured items, not people are located in this blue box. These are all the letters that Rob has written to me since we got married. Although I rarely go back and read through them they like my wedding rings, a testament to our love. We have been married 9 + years and I only take my rings off when I am cooking something that I need to get my hands into. I feel naked without them on anymore.
The pearl necklace is something my mother gave to me when I got married. Her second husband gave it to her on their wedding night and then she gave it to me. I never wear it, and this is the first time that I have taken it out of the box in a long time. I am torn about it being mine. In a way I know that my step father would want me to have it after all, according to family stories he married my mother so I would have a father. On the other hand he was my sister's father and maybe it should have gone to her on her wedding day. I still treasure it and maybe I will give it to her oldest daughter on her wedding day. That way it will one day be where it belongs rightfully.
I keep a lot of things in my blue box and more then likely if you have written me a letter it can be found in there. I gave up trying to keep Christmas cards, birthday cards, and other random cards unless they are hand written. I can't carry everything around the world with me, but a short meaningful letter makes the box. In that one small way I carry you with me.
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