The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 11: A picture of something you hate.

Day 11: A picture of something you hate.

 I hate wasting money so much that I would rather diet then to go up a pants size. Well that and vanity. I stress about shopping and I have to think about everything before I buy it and when I decide to go and spend the money if it's not there I am almost relived. That is not what I hate.

I really hate it when someone tells me that they can not afford to buy food, diapers, formula because they are so broke and really can not afford to feed the family. Then, then they turn around and tell me about an expensive, totally ridiculous  thing that they are doing or buying. Really People! Pay Your bills, buy food for your family, everything else is a want and unnecessary. I promise not to hold it against you. If you feel like you need to impress me with something. Please don't. I am more impressed by people supporting their family and doing what they need to do to have a healthy, happy family.

We are so careful about where we spend money I once made Rob and I stop drinking any kind of alcohol for two months because I thought we wasting money. We have lived with one car for the last 5 years because I did not want two car payments.We needed the second car, so after our last payment was sent to the car we bought a second. We still have debt. And we are really trying to get it all paid off and we are hoping to be credit debt free within the next two years. My obsession with our money is because we have made some stupid mistakes in the past. It comes with growing up, we made mistakes now we are paying for them slowly. Last year we started with a total debt of 21,000, this year we are down to 8500 not including the new car which doubles our debt or the house because I can't not even fathom 150,000 dollars in debt. The house doesn't count because we would be putting the same money in to rent.  Wait a minute pay day must be coming up, I am thinking of bills.

What do I hate, wasteful spending.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
This is Jessie.

Jessie, Tattoo guy in Hollywood, and me

Our tattoos.

 Once upon a time ago I was very spontaneous. My friend Jessie who I have known for over 10 years has been on the other end of my own random ideas. She has been my conscious, when I have needed her. I traveled to California from England to break up a deployment for both of us. My husband didn't go at the last minute but we had booked the tickets in advance so I went to see her. We went to Hollywood got lunch that included  a Mai Tai for me and a Bahama mama for her. After a lovely lunch we walked across the street and got matching tattoos. Believe or not they are a little different but not by much. We have had a lot of fun together. I wish that we lived closer so that our boys could be friends and get into trouble together. I miss her. Love you Jessie!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

The top picture is Damian. The day he was born I was changed for the better. It was the first time in my life that I thought I was capable of loving and being loved. When the nurse handed me my son I felt my heart melt and I also knew that I would be the best mother I could for this little baby because I was the only one he had. If you knew how insecure I was about myself being unlovable before that moment, you would understand how changed I was. So I picked Damian for a moment, the biggest moment of my life.

Then there is Rob and James. Rob supports me unconditionally and makes me a better person. James always knows how to make me laugh even when I am crying. These three people are my life. I know that two of them will grow up and away from me and I hope that when they leave they go with open hearts and confidence.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh.

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh.
 This is James, when he was two. One day he decided it was time to be a big boy and without any help from me, he figured out how to use the toilet. This picture makes me laugh. He just started using the toilet facing the other way. He is so funny and stubborn and one of the two funniest people I know. 

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item.

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item.

So my most treasured items, not people are located in this blue box. These are all the letters that Rob has written to me since we got married. Although I rarely go back and read through them they like my wedding rings, a testament to our love. We have been married 9 + years and I only take my rings off when I am cooking something that I need to get my hands into. I feel naked without them on anymore.

The pearl necklace is something my mother gave to me when I got married. Her second husband gave it to her on their wedding night and then she gave it to me. I never wear it, and this is the first time that I have taken it out of the box in a long time. I am torn about it being mine. In a way I know that my step father would want me to have it after all, according to family stories he married my mother so I would have a father. On the other hand he was my sister's father and maybe it should have gone to her on her wedding day. I still treasure it and maybe I will give it to her oldest daughter on her wedding day. That way it will one day be where it belongs rightfully.

The little ring laying on the box belonged to my great-grandmother Alice. My fingers are bigger than hers ever were but it is what I have of her. She died almost years ago, and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. It is a small treasure of a life well lived. I am glad that it came to me.

I keep a lot of things in my blue box and more then likely if you have written me a letter it can be found in there. I gave up trying to keep Christmas cards, birthday cards, and other random cards unless they are hand written. I can't carry everything around the world with me, but a short meaningful letter makes the box. In that one small way I carry you with me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

I have been thinking about this topic for a couple of days. The truth is I wouldn't want to trade places with anyone for a day. We all have problems both big and small and even though I am often full of advice on what should be done I would never want another persons troubles for even one day. I have been thinking about that play Our Town. In the final act, Emily travels back to the time of her 12th birthday after dying in childbirth. She was given the option to relive any day and was advised to chose a normal day as nothing could be changed. I am sure there is more to the explanation of why she chose her 12th birthday but I can't remember, I read the play in middle school. I have been thinking of what day I would relive in my childhood, if I couldn't relive a day with my family.  So instead of who I would trade places with I will share a day that I would relive with my great grandmother on my fathers side. She died when I was a teenager and even though I can't say that I was particularly close with a lot of people as a child because of how I was raised by my mother. That is another story for another day that may or may not come up again. So now I will try to paint a picture with words instead of paint. Okay, this is part of an essay I wrote for my first English class but I think I did well and I am proud of it. Try not to hold it against me.

My favorite place to eat was at my great grandmother’s house. We always started our visit in her warm yellow kitchen, baking bread. I was small enough where I needed to stand on a chair next to her, so I could watch her wrinkled hands push into the soft beige dough as puffs of white flour would float into the air and stick to our hair. She would fold it over and push it down again. I thought, and continue to think, that it was the most beautiful sight I would ever see.
            Sometimes, she would let me knead the bread dough as she watched me patiently. I loved how the sticky mess slowly turned into soft firm dough. When I pushed the dough down the flour would cover everything, dusting even the nearby toaster white. The almost sour smell of the yeast filled the room. My great grandma would finish kneading to be sure it was just the right consistency. Then, we would set aside and cover the dough with a clean white cloth towel to let it rise.
            She always had bread dough of some kind ready to go into the hot oven. So with a little magic she would pull the ready dough out and we would shape it in to a pretty loaf on the baking sheet. My grandmother would run a sharp, gleaming knife in over the dough in even rows. Then, I would brush egg whites over the top of the dough. The soft dough would go into the oven, and I would watch through the glass to see if I could see it turn into bread.
            I never made it very long, and would go outside to “help” in the garden. My grandmother would put a clean red and white checked apron on over my clothes before I went outside behind her. As my grandmother gathered the green vegetables, I would be over in the blackberry bushes with the birds. I would always get stuck on the thorns, and just sit down and eat the sweet blackberries until the apron and my face turned purple.
            She would call me in with her sing-song voice, “Trisha let’s check the bread and get cleaned up for dinner.” As we walked into the house I could smell the bread through the whole house. I could not wait to taste the bread we made together.
            We would sit at the kitchen table and eat the bread with a little melted butter. The warm brown crust was crunchy, the center was white and fluffy, and it almost melted in my mouth. She would look at me with her blue eyes shining brightly behind her round glasses and say, “Remember Trisha as long as you make it with love it will always turn out just right.” Her words made me feel warm and loved completely.
            These days my kids come running into the kitchen when the oven timer goes off because they know that something wonderful will be coming out of it soon. I try to give them the same gift that my great grandmother gave to me in her yellow kitchen as I teach them how to cook. They do not understand how lucky they are to have a mother who loves to cook.  We rarely eat anything twice in a month, and the only thing I make with kielbasa is a sausage and shrimp gumbo once a year for my husband. I can only hope that when they are adults they will have fond memories of me in our yellow kitchen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.
Paris, France.

 Rob and I took a trip to Paris for our third Anniversary. This was bigger then just a vacation or our last vacation as a couple with out kids. For me this trip was a dream come true. I love France. I took french in High school and fell in love with the language. So I had a dream that I would one day sit at a cafe overlooking the Eiffel Tower and I would order a cafe ah lait and a croissant. When Rob took me to Paris of all the places that we could have gone I don't think I really understood how much he really loved me. He loves me so much that he wants to make these dreams come true. It turns out that it is a little difficult to find a cafe overlooking the Tour De Eiffel but we did find one as we walked through the city. Unfortunately even though I practiced my french our waiter spoke English and happily let me order the coffee in french but spoke the rest of the time in English. It turns out that as long as you try to speak french that French people are happy to use English. I fell in Love with Paris. Everything is art the people, the buildings, the parks, and everything has a story attached to why they did this or that. We took a bus tour of the city and a boat tour and I loved listening to the abstract tongue in cheek stories. For example they have this place near the river that is all lit up at night with red twinkle lights a pretty little area, but it that place used to be a slaughter house and the lights represented the swarms of flies. Really I love their sense of humor. 

The picture above is not one of mine. I don't have any on the computer and I don't know how to hook the scanner up. The large glass plaques that you see standing in front of the Eiffel Tower says one word in every language on the planet, Peace. It is very moving piece of art, I stood tracing words for maybe fifteen minutes. I hope that we will return again and share it with our children for longer then a three day weekend. I want to get a metro pass, and rediscover the city by foot. Eat at the street stands that sell the most delicious crapes, wonder the halls of the Louve, enter Notre Dame (I was too intimidated by it last time), and share my love with my boys.  

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 4: A picture of your night.

Day 4: A picture of your night.

My lovely husband puts the boys to bed at night and it leaves me with some much needed quiet time. Normally I can be found at my desk doing school work. I still hand write all of my rough drafts and I take notes with what ever is handy as I do my research. Here is a secret about me, I love research even when I hate the topic. I will research until I feel like I can write an intelligent paper on the subject, or when I feel like I understand. I read every article about the health care bill when it was being argued over in congress. Not that I can make a huge difference but I can argue my side of it with conviction. Back to my night. If I am finished or caught up with school work I often open the bible. In the picture I have the New Living Translation and The American Standard Catholic version but I have 6 all different versions of the bible and my favorite is King James version. I often read a passage in one bible then look them up in all the others. I do this because I believe that some things get lost in translation and every version is translated by man. I want to know what God is trying to tell us. Rob is planning on buying me The Douay-Rheims Bible because it is a direct translation from the original texts and I love the thees and thous. I have a hard time reading straight though the bible as you can imagine I  do not get far in a sitting but I come away with a grain of knowledge that I can hold on to. Also in the picture is a Bible study by Beth Moore called Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent. A friend of mine is reading Daniel and it inspired me to try one. I chose this because I love the psalms and it seemed like a good starting point. I started it last night and I am trying to put my head to the floor every night in prayer. I thank the Lord for all the blessings he has given to me and for the his greatness. I always ask for him to shine a light on to my feet and guide me. It is a journey I am on and sometimes it feels dark as I struggle with my path to faith. I know that God is good all of the time. I think my struggle is letting him take the wheel. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Day3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

The Talk. We have analog T.V. we got it so the boys could watch sesame street but you know we don't get that channel. What we do get is CBS sometimes. I love this show. It feels like a show for women. Like you are part of the conversation. It isn't about controversial stuff and it is fun. I love the show. I don't watch many other shows so routinely mostly because I have to watch them online in my own time. The truth is I haven't made many friends in Texas yet and it is girl time. I am a bit lonely for girl talk. . . It will come in time.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.

I am sure I have better pictures of us but this one does the trick. I could have chosen one of my grandparents because they have always been there for me. When I was a teenager my mother had a falling out with her family and for over 5 years I didn't see them. I chose my husband because he was the first person I let all the way in, in to my heart, in to my mind, and in to my secrets. The truth is that when I left my mother's house I had never felt more alone and I never wanted to feel discardable again. Before Rob I was utterly afraid of getting close to people. I was a horrible broken mess when I met Rob over ten years ago. I never slept except in short cat naps. I had horrible nightmares and frankly I was afraid to sleep. Even in the beginning I felt safe enough with him that I would sleep for a couple of hours at a time. Thanks to him now I get cranky without 8+ hours of nightly rest. He is my best friend, he has always supported me, and is the reason I have blossomed into the person I am today. I am looking forward to growing old with him. He is the foundation to our life. I love him more everyday.

I wish I could be more open about myself but it is extremly hard for me. I am hoping that I get better as the days go by.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 1 Photo Challenge

Day 1: A photo of myself with 15 facts

1. I love this wig. I have always wanted crazy afro hair. I love when people wear their hair in unique free ways. I think it is incredible and I try to tell them when I can.

2. I don't where make up unless we are having pictures done or I have a rare date night with my husband.

3. I stopped wearing make up when I was 18. I was taking it off one night after work and I looked up at myself and decided to take the mask off and become myself.

4. I love socks! I always ask for socks for all holidays and for my birthday.

5. I wear my most colorful pair of socks when I am nervous or going for a check up at the doctors or the dentist.

6. I eat really healthy because I have always wanted to be a vegetarian.

7. I am strict on what my kids eat for their health.

8. When I go "home" to Oregon I eat some crazy fried unhealthy food that I would never eat any other time.

9. I don't eat meat one month out of the year because it makes me feel better about being a carnivore the other eleven months out of the year.

10. I love bright colors. They cheer me up so much that I painted my living room and kitchen brightly.

11. I love to cook everything. As long as I have a recipe I will make it.

12. I never follow a recipe.

13. I love to cook for other people. I love dinner guests.

14. When I set my mind on doing something I tend to jump all in and then think about what it means.

15. I love words. I write quotes in my journal out of books, off the radio, from movies, from my husband.

30 day Photo Challenge

30 day Photo Challenge

30 Day Photo Challenge

A friend of mine is doing this, and I thought it looked like fun so I'm going to do it too. It really is a personal challenge to myself.

Here's the list of the photos needed.

Day 1: A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.

Day3: A picture of the cast from your favourite show.

Day 4: A picture of your night.

Day 5: A picture of your favourite memory.

Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item.

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh.

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

Day 11: A picture of something you hate.

Day 12: A picture of something you love.

Day 13: A picture of your favourite band or artist.

Day 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you.

Day 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.

Day 19: A picture of you when you were little.

Day 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.

Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget.

Day 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at.

Day 23: A picture of your favourite book.

Day 24: A picture of something you wish you could change.

Day 25: A picture of your day.

Day 26: A picture of something that means a lot to you.

Day 27: A picture of yourself and a family member.

Day 28: A picture of something you're afraid of.

Day 29: A picture that always makes you smile.

Day 30: A picture of someone you miss