What else? I have been writing. It is slow because I have to write in between times. So it is a few minutes there and a few minutes here. All I need is one word at a time. My class started yesterday and it looks like it will be at the very least interesting.
I have been actively working on letting go of grudges. It is hard to set it a side. My whole self wants to explain to the person why their actions were hurtful. I know that it doesn't matter to said person and that person is super self centered so the person may never understand. Once I made this realization it became easier. I am only hurting myself. I have been praying for that person and have sent a couple prayers and inspirational quotes to the person. I will be positive and I will move forward. Not all people need to like me, and not everyone will appreciate me. That is okay. I still want to do good for others and will always to my best to be helpful. That makes me happy.
How are you doing on your resolutions?
I hope your day is filled with love, laughter, and inspiration. Be well friends.