The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Joining your squares!

So there are a few ways to join your squares together. I am going to give you a couple of options. Watch the videos and use the one that you like the look of the most.

The first tutorial is from the Crochet Crowd. I happen to enjoy Mikey's videos
I also like that his squares look like they are different sizes and he shows us that they are the same size. So take a deep breath. Ours will look wonky because we have at least ten different squares.
Now Bobwilson123 gives us a slightly different variation that will allow for the squares to lay flat. And I like that she tells us to match our corners in case we are using different granny squares.
I like this one because we did a couple of flowers.
Finally I like that this video uses different sizes.
I know that having so many videos may cause a little confusion. But there is really no wrong way. Take a deep breath pick your method and sew them together. If you did a border around each square in one color like I did with the light blue use that color to make the seam blend in together. You can do this.

I hope your day is filled with love and laughter. Be well my friends.