The Bartlett Family Adventure

The Bartlett Family Adventure is all about the moments that take my breath away as I grow in the glory of God, and live my life to the best of my ability while raising two rowdy boys. This blog is not just about me, it also includes stories of my family's daily adventures. We home school our boys, are trying to grow our fruits and vegetables, we are all on a journey to God, we are trying to live sustainably, and most importantly love the life we lead. Sometimes we stumble, but mostly I like to think we prevail. I am blogging to keep a sort of shared journal. Our life may be messy but it is perfect.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Define me

I often get wrapped up in the number I see on my bathroom scale. I tend to define myself as a success or a failure depending on that one single number. Here is the truth I can not be defined by a single number. I want to be defined by how useful I am to others, by my ability love hard, by my college education, homeschooling my children, my ability to face my fears and move forward, my marriage (that's right friends. I have been married almost eleven years to a man I love more every single day I know him), I love to craft, I am learning to sew clothes, I am always happy to make something for a friend, I am a poet, I can cook, I am happy. I can not be defined by one single silly number. The scale is a tool that I can use to track my health goals.

My promise is to try and stop beating myself up over the scale. I want you to know that you are not defined by the scale. Your beauty is not a number. It is the way you treat the people around you. You are stronger than you can ever imagine, and braver than you know. You are wonderful all the time.

I hope your day is filled with love and laughter. Be well my friends.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Picture of the Day?

Hello Friends. How are you doing? Well I decided that I want to participate in the November picture of the day challenge from A limited amount as I will be traveling for a week and I can not upload pictures from my phone on to my blog. I will do my best to do the best I can. Plus I really enjoy these pictures of the day projects. If you want to do your own I would love to see what you come with each day or once a week or whenever. Let's have some fun and join the party. Thank Fat Mum Slim!

1. Something beginning with ‘c’: Just pick anything {ANYTHING!} beginning with C and take a photo of it. It’s an easy one to start the month with.
2. Colour: Take a photo of a colour, or something colourful.
3. Breakfast: Yes. It’s time to take a photo of your breakfast. Get creative.
4. TV: Take a photo of your television, or where you watch TV. Or if you don’t have a TV – take a photo of whatever you do instead. Or someone else’s TV.
5. 5 o’clock: Take a photo of whatever you’re doing at 5am or 5pm.
6. A favourite thing: Take a photo of something you adore – a favourite book, movie, person, possession… anything.
7. Reflection: You could reflect back on life or take a photo of something reflecting, or even a reflection of yourself.
8. Something you do everyday: What’s something you do most days? Brush your teeth? Fix your hair? Write in your journal? Drive your car? Make dinner? Run? Share it.
9. Small: Take a photo of something small. Perhaps a bug, a toy or a small gesture.
10. Can’t {won’t} live without: What’s something you’d rather not live without? Is it coffee? Or something else. Shoot it and share it.
11. Night: Take a photo of something at night. Perhaps it’s your even routine, or something else?
12. Drink: Take a photo of a drink. Yours or someone else.
13. Where you slept: Take a photo of where you slept. Perhaps you took a nap somewhere odd. Or did you just sleep in your bed?
14. Man-made: There’s natural and then there’s man-made. Take a photo of something made by man.
15. In your bag: Take a photo of the inside of your bag. Or perhaps take out the contents and give us a full view of what you’re carrying around.
16. The view from your window: What do you see when you look out your window? Is it as uninspiring as a wall. Who cares? Show us.
17. The last thing you bought: Perhaps it was a car {dreaming!}, a loaf of bread, or a fancy pair of shoes. Share it!
18. Happened this weekend: Take a photo of something you did this weekend. Perhaps it was just sleeping, or was it partying? Just shoot a part of your weekend and share it.
19. Something awesome: Take a photo of something awesome in your life, or something rather awesome that you saw.
20. Work/play: You could use something like pic frame to share two photos – one of what ‘work’ looks like for you, and another of what ‘play’ looks like for you.
21. What you wore: Take a photo of something you wore. Easy.
22. Grateful: In parts of the world today it’s Thanksgiving Day. Take a photo of something you’re grateful for.
23. Black: Take a photo of something black.
24. A sound you heard: What’s something you heard today? Children laughing? Birds singing? An alarm? Music? Share it.
25. Sky: Take a photo of the sky.
26. In the cupboard: Take a photo of inside a cupboard. Be creative so it’s not as boring as it could be.
27. Tree: Take a photo of a tree. Again test out your creative bones. You could lie down on the ground and take a photo looking up. You could experiment with angles and filters. Have fun.
28. Vehicle: Take a photo of a car, bus, boat, plane or another type of vehicle.
29. Big: Take a photo of some BIG!
30. On the wall: What’s on the wall? Some art? A poster? A fly. Shoot it.

I hope you are having a wonderful day filled with love and laughter. Be well my friends.

Poetry Thursday

The stars are shining
the night blankets the surroundings
the silence is deafening




Out of body
floating above me
all the worries of the day
haunt me

Suddenly your hand
touches me gently
I become a delicate flower
finally peace finds me

At last sleep
becomes me

Unrest by Trisha Bartlett

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Poetry Thursday

I have been writing poetry in my quiet moments. So I have decided to feature my Poetry on Thursdays. Some will be good, some will be bad, and some will just be. If I title the poems it will be at the end of the poem. Thank you for reading.

Fog is coming
over the grassy knolls
freezing the icy waters
Blinding all
who are seeking
the word is lost
in the grey
wolves are howling
all around
from everywhere
tearing the silence
ripping  shredding
all who hear
holding tightly
those who are dear
wishing hoping
crying praying
There is no peace in
the coming silence

Worry by Trisha Bartlett

I hope your day is filled with inspiration, love and laughter. Be well my friends.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What I have been up to lately.

Here is a picture that explains my day.

I hope your day is filled with possibilities.  Be well my friends.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Moonbeams and Butterflies

Moonbeams and Butterflies
Dreams unfolding taking flight
Life becoming
Silver linings
Storms rolling
grey skies unraveling
Thunder and Lightening
Calling Fighting





Tears hiding
Love withstanding
Dreams still holding
Butterflies dancing in Moonbeams
Until Morning Light

Overcoming Fears by Trisha Bartlett

Friday, October 5, 2012


I saw this today and thought I would share it with you because you are amazing.

I hope you day is filled with love and laughter. Be well my friends.